Where healing occurs
& hope is realized

“I have heard them crying out… and I am concerned about their suffering” – Exodus 3:7

“I have heard them crying out… and I am concerned about their suffering”
– Exodus 3:7

Vision Statement

To be the most entrusted place of hope and healing for individuals, 

couples and families in need of God’s amazing redemption, grace and mercy.

To be the most entrusted place of hope and healing for individuals, couples and families in need of God’s amazing redemption, grace and mercy.


Our Services

Your story is unique and so is the solution to the challenges you face. One-on-one, individualized
Even the strongest of relationships can use a little extra support every now and then, and
Traumatic incidents can become frozen in time, and when you relive them, they may feel just
Families are an essential part of our everyday lives. For many of us, they form the
The world is changing, and those changes bring significant challenges for our children. 1 in 5
Grief & Bereavement Group:(Gender specific group) -help in dealing with loss issues (Infertility, career...
Mission- Redeemed Life Counseling



We provide a judgment free environment for hurting people to feel safe, valued and understood. We do this to honor God by re-presenting His character to those we serve with grace and mercy. We invite clients into a process in which they learn to leave behind past failures, pain, and brokenness and learn to live in the freedom of the Father’s love.

We believe our work is done on holy ground and humbly honor the sacred privilege with which we’ve been entrusted. Our calling is to walk alongside the hurting, speaking words of life and truth, in love, to broken hearts.


Values & Beliefs

Faith – We are His. We believe every person matters to God. We believe in and trust His Word as our ultimate Authority and Guide for our lives and practice.

Transparency – We are who we say we are. We are imperfect, saved by grace, and deeply loved by an infinitely good and gracious Father. Because we believe He loved us first, we humbly live and love in response by serving Him in the high calling of professional counseling.

Growth – We face our own pain with teachable hearts, convinced that life is worth the journey, knowing we never walk alone.

Restoration – We believe there is hope and healing for every human hurt. No one is beyond the reach of the all-knowing, ever present, amazing love and forgiveness of God.

Excellence – We believe our passion for excellence honors God and inspires others.

Statement of Love - Redeemed Life Counseling

Our RLC Office

Any Questions

For specific questions about available services or appointments see contact page to send an email to the counselors.

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