Disgust and Mistrust: The Sneaky Psychological Effects of A Pandemic
For months we have observed the media’s swell surrounding the worldwide virus. Rising numbers of infections. Lowering death rates. Cities flooded with new cases. Areas escaping all threats of the virus. Statistics, guidelines, rules, rebellion, and more. Will the incessant pandemic news slow down? Of course. Will information related to the virus eventually dissipate to […]
Secrets to Staying Married During COVID and Social Change
I think it’s fair to say that 2020 has put the majority of the world to the test on so many levels. The COVID-19 pandemic, quarantine, school cancellation, work from home and layoffs, caused everyone to learn to adjust to a new type of normal. Re-openings of states and business, changes and restrictions began to […]
How Teletherapy Can Help Your Holiday and Pandemic Stress
COVID-19 has changed many things as we once knew it, to say the least! Many of the places that used to be normal to attend have now moved to a virtual platform. Everything from work, meetings, conferences, schools, and many others! The mental health field has also moved many of its’ services to virtual. Many […]
Quarantine Time: Why The Days Are Slow Yet The Weeks Fly By
The monotonous days of quarantine drag by. Wake up, eat, work, sleep—all from the confines of your home (minus the occasional trip to the grocery store, gas station, or restaurant for takeout). Since our days feel as long as weeks, why do our weeks fly by? Because our brains calculate the passage of time based on […]
How to Provide Structure and Meaning to Your Day While Stuck At Home
It’s no surprise that the routine you likely once had no longer exists. While it might be tempting to go with the flow and see how the day goes, the opposite is true. Changes in routine is stressful for adults and kids, so it’s important especially during this time of social distancing, when everyone’s routines […]
10 Ways to Overcome the Fear of Crowds in a Post-Pandemic World
In the wake of recent world events, many people have been feeling more anxious and fearful than before. You’ve likely felt the pressures, with phobias gripping tighter than ever. Perhaps chest pain has crept in during moments of stress, or maybe you find your heart racing in situations that once felt ordinary, whether that’s facing […]
7 Ways to Support Kids During the Coronavirus Pandemic
Schools have closed. Work is going remote for many. For some, work has been lost altogether. With all the responsibilities and changes parents are juggling during social distancing, it’s daunting to wonder how to support and protect kids, when the adults don’t necessarily feel secure and protected. Kids and teens worry about safety and security. […]
Six Methods To Turn Your OCD From Active To Dormant During a Pandemic
A pandemic changes everything about your life. But what if it unearths all of your buried fears? That’s the current reality for citizens diagnosed with OCD. IS OCD THAT SERIOUS? The term OCD is casually dropped in conversation about a friend with a type-A personality or is mentioned about that colleague who has color-coded and […]
The Media Creates Coronavirus Anxiety. What Can you Do to Manage It?
These last few weeks, any screen you turn on from social media to the news, there’s someone talking about Coronavirus. The coronavirus situation is constantly changing, often several times per day, so it’s no surprise that anxiety levels stay elevated. Do you find yourself glued to the TV or social media? Are you worried […]